Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Final Countdown (Ch 12)

I lay silently with my men, Grendel suspects nothing haha. He "[seizes] up a sleeping man, tearing at him hungrily" (168). Thank god that's not me. I watched Grendel's tactics intently. I learned about his movements and strength while he ate the man. I can go into the fight with complete knowledge of how Grendel works and defeat him! I jump up and take action! You will be mine, Grendel! As I was going at Grendel, I realized I made a smart decision using only my hands, the men that used their weapons were thrown back. Blood started oozing all over the floor, I guess I'm that brutal. I could tell Grendel was losing his sanity and approaching the end, good.

He's so ugly looking, yuck!

He keeps pulling away, I don't know why? Be a man and toughen up, would ya? I throw him against the wall, what a baby. You know what? I wanted to assert my authority, so I made him sing, loud. It was funny until he started crying "Mama, Mama! I'm dying!" (173). How can a monster be so pathetic? I thought he was supposed to put up a fight. How could Hrothgar's men not defeat him in these 12 years, he's pretty simple to spook. Well, I finished up my deed. I tore off his arm all by myself. He fled and I was victorious, as expected.

It's all over for you Grendel.


marmarble123. “Closing Time Semisonic Lyrics.” YouTube, YouTube, 28 July 2009,
“Beowulf and The Hobbit II: The Monsters and the Magic - Grendel and Goblins.” The Wordhoard, 27 Nov. 2014,
Gardner, John. Grendel. Vintage, 1989

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